Stay innby FrostHotel
We very much believe that this property will become your first choice hotel by taking a comprehensive look at the quality of our guests' stay, care for the environment and the idea of sustainable travel. We used advanced photovoltaic solutions, high insulation and acoustic parameters. The hotel with the swimming pool is heated and air-conditioned with an innovative system of geothermal pumps that recover heat from the ground and thus save gas and electricity consumption.
We are passionate about caring for others. We believe in ethical business conduct in everything we do and aim to be a thriving, sustainable and responsible company for people, communities and our planet.

You can find some of the amenities, services, and features to keep you comfortable and occupied until your flight arrives.

A family traveling with a small child will certainly need more space and amenities. Our Hotel will guarantee you, first of all, easy access to all kinds of amenities needed in caring for little ones. Travel cot with bedding, Children's menu is a standard in our hotel.
Child Protection Procedures
Our goal is to reduce the negative impact of our activities on the planet. Our energy-saving technological solutions and the use of renewable energy sources. it's a huge potential.

We know that for many pets are like family and it's hard to part with them, even for a short time. We provide beds and bowls on request.
Discover Warsaw!
Stay inn by Frost is located in the area from where everything is close. Access to the airport takes 8 minutes and to the center of the capital 20 minutes. Around the hotel there is a business zone and shopping malls.
The furnishings are made of the highest quality ecological materials - unconventional details, vivid colors, fresh and aesthetic interiors equipped with all kinds of amenities, complemented by original and subtle lighting - all this supported by the latest technology - thanks to this, the Stay inn**** by Frost hotel meets the needs of both individual and business guests as well as families with children and people with disabilities. Small pets are more than welcome as well.
Another great advantage of the Stay inn hotel is The GRAVITY outdoor lounge meeting and gathering area, located on the top floor of the hotel, surrounded by greenery and wonderful views.
It is an ideal zone not only for relaxation, but also a great schick place for small business or occasional meetings.
Look around

We are at Your
We are available 24 hours a day and will be happy to point out places that you must visit in Warsaw and our vicinity.
+48 22 263 7900booking@stayinnwarszawa.comSlowicza 28 street, 02-170 Warszawa
https://www.stayinnhotels.plLET'S TALK
Administratorem Państwa danych osobowych jest Cantare Sp. z o.o. Sp. K., ul. Biedronki 40, 02-946 Warszawa, tel. +48 22 263 7900, e-mail: Państwa dane osobowe przetwarzane są w celu prowadzenia korespondencji niezbędnej przed zawarciem umowy oraz informowania o nadchodzących promocjach lub wydarzeniach. Przysługuje Państwu prawo do: cofnięcia zgody, dostępu do treści danych, sprostowania danych, usunięcia danych, ograniczenia przetwarzania danych, wniesienia sprzeciwu, wniesienia skargi do organu nadzorczego. Administrator wyznaczył Inspektora Ochrony Danych Osobowych, z którym można się skontaktować za pośrednictwem e-mail: Pełna treść klauzuli informacyjnej znajduje się: [link].